Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So I have been writing down ideas wherever and whenever they strike for this blog. My sister has helped me with a few ideas I had even forgotten. I will get to those I promise. But first I have to fill you in on what's up here lately.
We joined the YMCA. We needed a place to go as a famliy so we are not quite so blobbish anymore. Well, I couldn't work out the first day because I had thrown away my sneakers, tennis shoes, athletic shoes, whatever. They were old and left over from Home Depot days so they went in the trash a couple of months ago. This was really not a problem as I never exercise anyway.
Well, I had to go buy some shoes yesterday which worked well because they are all on sale now because there are so many of us blobs out there who say we are going to stop being a blob on January 1. While I was trying on shoes, I noticed that the shoes were white and my socks were not. At all. White. So I walked over to the hosiery department and lo and behold athletic socks were on sale too! Those retailers really know how to get to you. So, I bought a bunch of new socks. They are white. They are really white. And I love them.
Now back in the day i had what some would call a sock fettish. I loved socks. I remember finding a store one time in a mall that only sold socks and I thought that was my heaven. Well, I grew out of it as I started doing my own laundry and realized how hard it is to match all those socks.
But NEW SOCKS are the best. I thought I was the only one who felt like this until I started asking. My son loves new socks. My husband loves new socks. My friends love new socks. They are clean and white. They are tight and not stretched out yet. And they usually fit like a glove. I know you are thinking right now that I have thought way too hard about my socks, but you must admit that you love the feeling of new socks too.
So I haven't gone to exercise yet, but now I have the shoes and the socks so I have no more excuses.


  1. OHHHH new socks are the best. Now, even if you NEVER step into the YMCA you can "look" the part and no one will be the wiser... :-)
    hmmm maybe I should do some shoe and sock shopping too!

  2. I am a fan of new socks too. Maybe you should start a group on facebook, "I love new socks" group. LOL! I am wishing we had a YMCA nearby that I could join. Maybe I should check into that.
